Friday, March 11, 2011

Say Cheese!

Got back my results slip today. Failed 3 subjects and my L1R5 was like 35 or something. I think even ITE doesn't want me. And this result was considered one of the better ones. Many of my friends fail about 5-6 subjects. Thank God..? But I'm rather guilty cause I felt I haven't done my best in this term's Common Test. And wow, the school is so nice to have Term 2's Common Test week right after our March Holidays.

It's been a long time since I've had this feeling of weakness and tiredness. I've got so many things to do but I can't seem to complete them all even if I was given time. Any idea how many thousand things/stuffs I've got to complete/do?!
1. Be closer to God
2. Homework
3. Choir trainings
4. Study for CT 2
5. Be more flexible for NAPFA sit&reach

Today's bad news: CSS Chorale is Choir No. 44 performing on the 14th of April. 44444, all fours. Well that's not really the bad news; at least I think it's cool. But tthe bad news is, WE ARE PERFORMING TOGETHER WITH THE GOLD/GOLD WITH HONOURS CHOIRS! Like, 3 Gold with Honours, 2 Golds and a Silver choir. AND WORST IS, WE'RE THE LAST. There's Chong Qing Main, TKSS, Dunman, Ngee Ann, RVHS, Orchid sth school and us. WOW. Preeeetty. LOL.

Well... You can also choose to look at the brighter side like, if we really strive very hard to get our Gold with Honours this year and we really get it, it really proves our worth of that title because afterall, Mr Foong told us striaght that our slot is the worst slot you can ever have for SYF 2011 cause they crashed so many Gold with Honours choirs together. And we should take up the challenge, push ourselves and match up or even surpass TKSS' standard.

By the way, when I got back my results slip today, Mdm Soh sort of had a short chat with me saying that my fails were borderline fails and I could have passed and blah. She even mentioned about the time Ms Low came to our class and share with us some studying tips. And TIP#1 was to NOT PROCCRASTINATE. And Mdm Soh told me to NOT PROCRASTINATE and do something during the holidays. So with the upcoming packed holiday, I guess I should choose not to procrastinate anymore. And do what I ought to.

After choir today, meet Jeidy at the bus stop and camwhore a bit! :P Well, I looked rather unglam but I guess I don't look that bad. HAHAHA, so can still put up. But better see see now hor, cause later if I change my mind, I'll prolly just delete them :)

She was trying all her photograph apps :P


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