Saturday, March 3, 2012

Questions. Questions.

How has life been? Have I been moving on? Guess not. I guess I'm somewhere stuck between the past while I dream about my future and not cherishing the moment. I can't afford to do anything to make myself regret later on. Life is short. I don't get to go back in time and amend my past. I feel trapped. Somehow. It's unexplainable. I guess. So much thoughts. But I can't seem to put them in words. How do I expect people to understand me when I don't know myself enough in the first place? Seems like I've been putting on a mask all the while. In front of the people I know. I pass everything off with a smile; I lose my true self.

Woke up at 6. Snoozed. Woke up at 615. Hesistated. Oh well. Got up. Went for a run. Improved by... few seconds..? But stopped running after 18min. Was very tired. Choir. Tuition. Tuition. Yes, 2 tuitions. Rested.


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