Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Not very far away.

There we go. Halfway through the week. 4-5 more days till Chinese Os. Honestly, I'm very very demoralised. I mean I could easily get at least a 30 or above for compos in mdm yeo's class but I'm getting a 26-28 range in my mt camp class. And the teacher said she've been very lenient with the marking already. Was mdm yeo really so lenient in her marking that I wasn't actually that good for a mark above 30, or is it I'm deproving? I hate to admit it, but I honestly think it's the latter. Cause I've been losing my feel for Chinese over the course of mt camp. Used to have at least gotten a 7 for zhen xian tian kong. But I'm getting really shitty marks like 3. Then it ranged between 4-6. WHAT HAPPENED TO ME?! Told this to mummy. She said cause I haven't been praying. Which is... True. ._.

The only thing I'm grateful for during the course of mt camp is probably yingqi. We somehow just click very well. AND WE HAVE SIMILAR INTEREST ;) We were talking excitedly about those kind of ancient martial arts drama and mingsiew was O.O at a corner don't know what we talking about. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. MYGOSH. DIDN'T KNOW A GIRL WITH SUCH INTEREST EXIST XD Dramas like 神雕侠侣,倚天屠龙记 ECT ETC. ZHANGWUJI, ZHAOMIN, ZHOUZHIRUO, XIAOLONGNU, GUOJING. HAHAHA MYGOSH. SO FUN xD

Was humming if you want a lover subconsiously and yingqi caught me. Asked me if I was humming the song and we got all excited again. GAYOON.EUNJI.IU.YOSEOB. Love day mv was the cutest. It was agreed.

Mygoshlookatthetimenow. 明明说好要认真的。


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