Friday, October 5, 2012

Ticking away that fast.

Felt like an unwanted child yesterday ._. Just because I'm independent doesn't mean I can live without company.

Chem retest was... Crafted to fail us on purpose. I can't get B at all, not to mention an A2. Bye. Study leave -.- Annoyed max. What hapened to all the "It's gonna be tys standard"??? It was so much harder than prelims! At least prelim, there was something to crap out. The retest they gave us was like... Totally cannot crap out anything. Like it was so hard to comprehend the quesions that it forces us to just leave blank as out answers. Totally wasted my time studying for chem, because less than 10% of the things we should know for chem is tested. The rest is pretty much application. But then again, they were giving us out of syllabus stuffs hoping we use our head knowlegde to do the paper. I mean I think it's perfectly fine to include such questions in the paper to distinct between the mediocre and good students. But it's madness when practically THE WHOLE FREAKING PAPER was flooded with such questions.

I'm sick. Must be Jason passing his flu bug to me. Tsk. Started wit waking up to a sore throat on wednesday. Then I started to have runny nose since last night. And my mucus were super disgusting. Like... URGHHHH. Used so my toilet paper for my nose that when my maid collected my rubbis from my room, my dustbin was 60% filled with nothing but toilet paper. LOLOL. My maid was like woah.

Throat so dry.