Friday, September 16, 2011

So torned in between :(

This has been troubling me for awhile. I can't decided if I should go for the taiwan geog trip or choir malaysia trip. LOL. Actually I don't even know if I'll be choosen for the geog trip mainly cause I don't even take geog. But hopefully cause I take bio chem so I can go. But then if I go for the taiwan trip, I can't spend my last choir out of singapore trip (won't use the word overseas since I don't consider Malaysia overseas after being there EVERY YEAR for past choir trips) with the other sec 3s and we've already planned staying up the last night together watching the sun rise so when on the COACH (its not a freaking plane cause its malaysia -.-) back we can sleep all we want. Okay. Sucha killer joy. Totally.

I'm not confident for any As for my EOYs this year since I've been slacking so much and doing nothing productive. But I'll try my best to be as productive as possible this whole period until my EOYs end. I'm mentally prepared to not get good results back BUT I'm imagining myself getting As for O LEVELS. SO WATCH OUT PEOPLE! I may not do well this year, BUT IM DEFINATELY GETTING MY As NEXT YEAR! WATCH ME! #somotivated.

Alright, shall bathe now then mug on bio! :) So thankful I've got ZhiYe to text 24/7 about bio! <3

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