Monday, April 15, 2013

First day of School!

Kay got like about 40min to type out this post before my lappy runs out of batt. And nope I'm no where near a power plug nor do I have my charger with me. Left it in another room and am to lazy to get it or move to a spot  with power plug near me. Shall be short and sweet.

This song got stuck in my head ever since this morning. When I first saw the choreography of the dance I was like... Er... so childish. Cause like scissors paper stone. Then I realised it was 520 in the choreography. Now that's some sweet stuff over there! 520 = 我爱你 = I love you. Sweet.

Lastly. I thought of this last night before I went to sleep last night and shall just briefly share it here.

Through the last year, we have had got endless of conflicts, arguements and mutual dispproval. We couldn't agree on so much things together; opinons oiften clashed. But yet you were always there for me, rain or shine; despited being "abandoned" by my girl friends or whatnots. You were just always  there, period. Just wanted to say thank you for accepting me who I am and for making feel that I was being loved.

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