Thursday, March 14, 2013

Above all

Hello everybadee! Have been watching this drama called May Queen recently. It's really a melodrama man... So much sad things happening in the drama. Came to watch this drama because of Kim Jaewon. Hehehe... Checked him up ever since I saw his 100 Days with Mr Arrogant. But that's not my point. My point is... May Queen is arguably one of the best 2012 dramas I've ever seen and it's definitely the best drama I've seen so far this year.

It's so rare that I love the whole cast! And take a liking to soooo many actors from this cast. I love all three of the main child actors that either Yoojung looked good with either Guntae or Jibin. And not to forget the child actor for Ilmoon and Inhwa weren't those kind of child actors who you'd dislike/find them irritating in the show. As I'm typing, I'm slowly getting irritated with the little key travel that my new laptop has to offer... sigh... And then we come to the adult actors. The initial part where Changhee has not became bad yet and while he was still dating Haejoo, they two looked good together too. And then later you find that Haejoo looked good with Kangsan too.

Well I really really enjoyed this whole drama. The plot had quite a number of unexpected twist, especially at the end. And throughout the whole drama, you'd feel heart pain for every single character at least for once. And that includes characters who weren't even the lead such as Inhwa, Ilmoon, both of Haejoo's mother, Haejoo's dad, Changhee's dad, Kangsan's grandfather and even the most hateful and the biggest villain in the drama, Jang Dohyun. That was how good the scripts were and how good the cast were in delivering the plot. Oh and even the most insignificant roles such as the secretaries, Secretary Choi & Secretary Kim, were both good looking too. I mean, usually when secretaries get casted for a drama, they'll look so average-looking that you won't even bother to remember their faces. But the secretaries for May Queen though they weren't handsome to the extent of stealing attention away from the main scenes (and that's what they shouldn't do for their roles) but they were good looking enough for people to remember their faces. :P

I guess I wouldn't really have minded if Haejoo ended up with either man. And I mean both the young and adult Haejoo. And I guess the scriptwriters really know how to please their viewers. The young Haejoo, although had a crush on Changhee, she had love-line scenes with Kangsan too, although it was a one-sided thing. And then we see that the adult Haejoo was in a relationship with Changhee before ending the drama with Kangsan. HAHAHAHA. Actually I loved the child actors more. But still, I can't discount the fact that the adults did as well as the children. :)

Oh yeah and just searched a little for fun. Park Jibin is '95, Park Guntae is '96, Seo Youngjoo is '98. All three of them acting as the same age but surprisingly Park Jibin looked the youngest and Seo youngjoo looked the oldest... He was so tall some more. And then Kim Yoojung is '99. Handsome and pretty, young actors we got there.

Ahhhh. Really love staying at home to nua and watch all my dramas. But the bad thing is that sometimes I run out of good dramas to watch, or dramas that I enjoy watching and POOF, I feel like I've wasted the whole day away. And also not to forget that when I've just finished a good drama, I feel like there ain't much good drama left for me to watch, like the rest just aren't as good to capture your heart once again. You know that feeling? :/

Fingers honestly feel a little strained right now after typing this whole post cause it seems that I'm using a lot of effort to type on this keyboard... Sigh. I may resort to getting a portable keyboard if I don't get used to this by this year. Don't think one's gonna be affordable anyway, so need to save up on that money T.T

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