Monday, September 23, 2013

Just a little.

Woke up with a really sore left arm on Sunday. Must be all the bottle carrying on Saturday during YF outing. Did I mention that one 1.5 litre mineral water to each person. And since most of the stations for object lessons we have to do it in pairs, my left hand pretty much carried the heavy bottle most of the time.

In addition, being a very small drinker that I am, my bottle would probably have been one of the most heavy bottle amongst everyone. Until like the second last station when Hannah told me to give her some more water to lighten my load. Yep, after having sooooo many friends who does sports I can officially come to a conclusion that they are water tanks man. Whether they are actually working out/exercising, their water intake is like WOAH.

Woke up at 430 in the morning cause the mosquito bites are driving me crazy. -scratch scratch scratch- Okay lah, partially also because air con too cold and I felt like peeing. My room has no cream that helps to relieve the itch so I had to climb up to parents' room to take. Didn't want to switch on any light cause I didn't want to wake anyone up. Sat on my bed comfortably, all ready to apply the cream, only to realise that I took the wrong one. Had to gingerlywhere got time the itch was driving me crazy ley make a trip back up and get the right one. Took my handphone along with me as my torchlight cause it wasn't a really bright source of light to wake people up but it could still help me see which tube of cream I was taking.

Arm still really sore when I woke up this morn at 930. Yep. Woke up at 930 to prepare my stuffs needed for baking. So that when mummy's done with lunch cooking and when I'm done with lunch, I don't have to wait for my equipment to dry. Don't have to take out all the ingredients I need from all around the kitchen too. Baked some root beer cupcakes today!!

Basically almost all that I needed for my root beer cupcakes.

Baked them in minis, then I realised that it'll take me forever to finish my batter if I solely made minis. So made a batch of normal sized. Added some semi sweet chocolate chips in the middle so that the whole big cupcake itself won't be too...  jerlat for the eater. But the chocolate all sank to the bottom... :(

Erm... :( HAHAHA Slightly exploded mini from the first batch. Idk why all of them from the first batch exploded on me... But whatever. Bite-sized Minis! ^^ Overall, I the taste of root beer couldn't really be tasted. I guess it was because of the cinamon. But oh well... Though it didn't really turn out to what I expected it to be, it was still quite well received by my family. (HAHAHA, WHAT IF THEY GIVE ME FACE ONLY.) But I thought those bite-sized minis were really addictive. Like you finish one in one mouthful. Then you kind of like it, then you reach for the next piece etc.

Yep. Preddy much done. Night. :)

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