Friday, July 15, 2011

So I guess we're back to square one?

Facebook is really so depressing sometimes. I'll randomly click on someone's profile, usually people that I used to be close to and from their recent photos, see how well they've been. Make me think of how we drifted, how we're not talking anymore. Maybe we all weren't really good friends in the first place but merely acquaintance and I was the foolish one who all the while one-sidely felt that we all were really good friends that could talk about anything under the sun. So I guess maybe I was wrong.

I realised that even if I don't cry in front of people easily, I'm still a very sentimental person. I didn't cry during the MTDC graduation concert, when the syf result was announced and others despite me feeling sad also. Don't even think anyone in school saw me cry before. But isn't the feeling of not being able to cry worse? So seeing all of us not as close as before, makes me really sad. Who can I tell everything to? I can't even tell the closest person to me everything. And then I keep everything myself, suffocating. Horrible feeling.

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