Thursday, January 10, 2013

And so it is.

Despite amongst really kiasu/anxious friends around me today (posting for the 9th of Jan), I'm still super chill. Anxiety only sets in at 2 tomorrow. But whatever the results, I just pray that the Lord will help me be contented with it and may all glory go to Him.

Work today was more enjoyable than yesterday. Probably cause Alvin was there to tell lame jokes with somboon. Hahaha ikr. It's like bangsong + boonjie. Oops sorry, really 忍不住 must say that. :P Alvin has this softer voice which makes him less intimidating than the rest of the bunch. Whereas I feel somboon and I somehow click better as compared to the others. Indeed, attached guys are less scary to talk to cause you know they won't "disturb" you. Don't really dare to start talking to the rest first. Scary people. Hehehe.

Oh ya. Cut my hair today. And that's another three inches shorter. ;)

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