Monday, August 20, 2012

Jumbled up, intertwined, complicated.

Mixed feelings? At lost? Annoyed? Uneasy? I think I'm feeling all of those. Really feeling very lousy right now. People. People who think it's nothing. Keep adding to the scene. I'm so annoyed I feel like just untagging myself from those pictures. But then again, consequences, consequences. Who will I hurt again? Yet I'm afraid if this carries on, what will others think of me? Who will I stumble? I'm not ready to face anyone right now. Can I just hide in my hole or something?

Still deciding if I should retake my Chinese.

Spent my night watching episode twelve of Alice in wonder city and episode one of Miss panda and Mr hedgehog. Told myself I've got to get off the comp. Stomach started feeling uneasy. Have been feeling uneasy ever since in papa's car. Seems to me that I have selective motion sickness. I only feel uneasy and naeuous when I'm in papa's car after a long period of time.

Plan to finish up my maths paper and attempt some econs essays failed terribly. Not to mention that I've yet to read through some oral notes ever since dinner. Guilty max.

The sinking feeling of my heart. That's when I know I'm depressed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"Why are you downcast, O my soul? Why so disturbed within me? Put your hope in God, for I will yet praise him, my Saviour and my God." Psalm 43:5