Monday, January 27, 2014

How long more?

So we're officially into the chionging phrase of our school term. Everyday at school, discussions are pretty much about how are we going to meet the dateline for submission and the many things we need to do that's required for our projects. Well although as light as it seems to say that we're left with 3 projects, but much is required for each and every one of them. Not to mention that almost the dateline is on 6th Feb and we're left with about 70% of the work undone and not to add in that we have to tap on our CNY holidays... Sigh... Think you'll see me typing away on my laptop in my dad's car on the way to visitations. Sad life of a student we see here.

Exam timetable was out today and last paper is on 3rd March! That means to say a 7 week holidays for me this coming March! Okay but before that, after presentation week is mugging week for the exam week. Just thankful that none of the lecturers have placed our presentation during revision week. Yes, that needful one week to chiong catch up with all the tutorials we've been missing out on cause of our projects.


再苦的生活中, 還是會有甜美的時刻。這世界上沒有不可能的事, 也沒有過不去的關。

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