Friday, January 24, 2014

While the magic lasted

Sigh. Guess it's a nua at home day... So shall do a little blogging. Was really looking forward to today's trip to Changi but guess I can't go in the end.
Body aching everywhere. My nose my ears my arms my abdomen. Owwwww. Crazy week it have been for me. Many things that made my day, yet there were many things that made me think about how people can be so realistic and materialistic. Rushing projects and all, returning home late everyday.
Can't wait for March already...
Photo taken one week ago when I was bored and decided to tie a fish tail braid.
Finally got myself a moisturiser for the peeling skin on my face. Time to stop complaining about dry skin. And happened to stumble across the similar hair tie that Joanne lent me during YF camp. Sooooo happy I got myself a pack! The colour is exactly the same, the texture and touch is exactly the same, the elasticity is exactly the same and when I use it, it feels exactly the same! Just that mine was slightly tighter than hers maybe cause it's new. Happy is I.
Ever get annoyed when your hair tie can't go the 4th round cause your hair is too thick for it, but yet the 3rd round will get loose after you've moved around for awhile, your pony tail starts drooping and everything gets out of shape? NOT ANYMORE WITH MY NEW HAIR TIE. NYEHEHEH.
Though it was those short two days, but it was nice catching up and to know that you still remember me.

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