Saturday, July 28, 2012


Have I even mentioned how I dislike weekends? I'll just totally nua at home, not do anything and that includes I just can't get myself to touch my work. Even if I do, I'll be like super unproductive. Yesterday 3-6 completed 3 essays. Today? 2-9. Only 2 parts of any essay. This is super bad. I dislike myself for being like that. It's true that maybe I've been working too hard at school that once I reach home all the tiredness just overwhelm me and BOOM. Stop being productive. But this has to stop. I mean. One day. And not even a piece of completed essay? This is really bad. And I mean it. I'm disappointed in myself.

So what have I been doing while attempting my econ essay? Quite a lot on the computer. But this one thing that I can remember is that I was looking through my photos on facebook. And I realise that I used to be very ugly. Hahahaha. But that's not my point. Looking through these photos make me remember those times. It's really true how people say the people in them changes, but the photo never change. And more importantly, the memories stay intact. Like how it used to be. And it will stay the same. Forever.

I miss those times during teens December camp 2010.
I miss those times in Taiwan.
I miss those times in comm recce to sentosa.
I miss those times during teens December camp 2011.
I miss those times on the 31 Decmeber 2011.
I miss those times where we were preparing for C'est La Vie.
I miss those times we actually performed on C'est La Vie.
I miss those times during teens June camp 2012.
I miss those times spent together as teens comm 2011-2012.

And I believe the list of "I miss"s will go on as time passes.

Not so much of being sad, but the yearning to go back in time and relive those precious moments again. I really miss those people in comm. Indeed they were the closest and dearest friends I had in church and life.

And what am I doing now? I'm stuck with a bunch of work that I can't even finish. Can't wait for the Os to be over.


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