Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I'M SOOOOOOOOOO GLAD. I DON'T HAVE TO GO BACK TO SCHOOL ANYMOREZZZZZZZZZzz. Can finally throw my skirt to the laundry basket. Though it's only my second day of wearing it. BUT STILL. Throwing my skirt in the laundry basket symbolises that I NEED NO GO BACK TO SCHOOL DA NEXT DAY. And in this case, THE REST OF DA HOLIDAY <3

Awesome or awesome? BOTH.

MUAHAHAHAHA. Anyway. So. Had chem in the morning. PAPA FECTHED <3 HEHEHEH. Goo way to start my day. Did amath during chem :P Wait wait wait wait x100 for comm to buy finish stuffs at IMM then meet at church. Should have went to imm to find them laaaa. But oh well. Went to church. There was VBS going on! OH YEAH. Benjamin still remembers me! <3 Awww such a sweet little boy :'D So sad I couldn't help out this year :( Casue I'm a busy girl I've barely got time for homework. Still, love the class I took last year. There was Benjamin and Joshua and Carmen. Now they're p2 :O Followed foonghui around as she prepared for the object lessons. Went into the class that Zach was teaching. And I saw JOSHUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA :D :D :D -inserts many hearts- Though he dropped his tooth, but oh well, still very cute ^^ Took a photo with him during lunch! :D

Then we wait wait wait x100 again for Esther. Cause she had the master copy and we could print no camp booklets without her master copy.

Print print print. Then we went up to the annex and started binding them! So much work! We were all like super tired after 3. Hahahah :P Getting old already right :( Oh well. Time spent with comm have always been blessed :) But didn't take a lot of photos though. OH YA. Did I mentioned I went to church in school uniform?! URGH. Embarassing max. When Joyce saw me she was like "HuiEn! Cool uniform! :D" HAHAHAHA Totally disagreed. But she said when I graduated, I'd miss wearing my uniform. Okay. Then let's wait till I graduate alright? Part of me actually can't wait to.

Went home with Esther. Since we took 30, the route it takes passes by A LOT of Japanese schools. Say at least 3? That's considered a lot already alright. Every time we pass by one, she'll go like "Oh look look look!" HAHAHA. Then there was a stop where a Japanese lady boarded the bus. Then her phone rang and she started speaking. At first we all thought she was some china women speaking chinese. But then we realized it was Japanses the lady was speaking. So she started hyperventilating again. Haiyo. :P

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