Thursday, June 7, 2012


AWWWWWW. BFFL what's app-ed me the moment he touched down! :D :D :D Why so sweet xD Hehehehe. Anyway, it was really funny how we communicated through what's app with a 6 hours lag. HAHAHHA. He'd what's app me at 2am SGT and the I'll reply him at 7am SGT then he replies again at 4pm SGT or something. So funny xD

Got a lot of photos on my phone waiting to upload on this blog but I keep delaying it cause I'm to lazy to connect my phone to the comp and transfer them. And uploading photos on blog via computer is wayyyyy easier and it makes you less irritated.

Oh ya. Another sweet friend. She gave me gao bai chocolates for my suuuuuuper 6 month belated birthday and a suuuuuuper cute helo kitty notepad. HAHAHAHA. You know who I'm talkin' 'bout YOU STALKER! :D I know you'd read this. And probably go awwwwwwwwwwwwwwww again :P HEHEHEH thank you sweetie! So nice of you to think so much. Purposely giving it to me on the most sian day of "extended curriculum" to lift up my mood a bit :D

Unofficially completed ALL MA AMATH PAPERS! Yes. ALL SIX PEOPLE! ALL SIX!! Unofficially cause there are still a few questions here and there that I can't get my answer and I'm waiting for tomorrow when I see Jiashen Tzeyuan. Gonna ask them at 2/2 BBQ. LOLOL SUCHA NERD. BBQ GATHERING ALSO BRING HOMEWORK. -SIGH FOREVER.- SECFOUR.

HAHAHAHA. DID I MENTIONED THAT I AM CURRENTLY WATCHING MATERIAL QUEEN?! OHMYGOSH. The female lead's total sacrifice for the male. Episode 12 onwards had got me crying buckets :( OKAY. Maybe not buckets. LOLOL. Make me sound so emotional -.- That was exaggerated. I just cried at every episode after the 12th. My brother sitting opposite me must had thought "Here goes my stupid emotional sister who cries at every single drama and episode again." THAT'S NOT TRUE OKAY. HAHAHA. I don't cry at every dramas! Just those really sad ones. Like 就到手里了却又为一次小小的是而错过

OKAY. IT'S REALLY HOT TODAY WHICH MADE ME PERSPIRE DA WHOLE DAY. And plus it's super humid too which does not allow my sweat to evaporate away. That's the reason why I have not bathe. DO NOT JUDGE ME. I just don't want to bathe already then perspire again. And I WILL NEVER GO TO MY BED UNCLEAN. OKAY. HEHEHEHE. Alright. My mum is chasing me to hurry go bathe.

BYEEEEE :D HAHAHA Whatta happy girl today. Bffl came back sg and tomorrow's BBQ! :D

Okay. Really bye now. BYE.

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