Saturday, March 24, 2012

Someone like you.

Bet everyone gonna put their blog title something like "Fun-O-Rama!" or whatnots. HAHAHAHA. AND I SHALL BE THE WEIRDO AND NOT DO THAT! ;D Finally listening to adele songs with brother ;) HAHAHAHAHA. Think the title up there is her best song. Rolling in the deep and set fire to the rain sounds too vengeful for me. Too impactful. Too overwhelming. Someone like you is more... Comforting. I guess..? Her album is cool. Emotions to a break up process. Its something close to the heart. I guess.

Went to funorama with scholars. Totally a bunch of international group. HAHAHA. PHLILPPINOS, INDONESIANS, THAIS, KOREAN and lastly, a proud Singaporean ;) Met all sorts of seniors there. BFFL! :D Didn't see Grace though :/ OOO SAW SIS SERENA AND XYPP :D

Right. Got bio, maths and revision to do. KILL ME NAOZ.

Get well soon.

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