Saturday, November 10, 2012

Life of a glass.

Tweeted goodnight on Twitter, laid on bed, but somehow my heart and mind wasn't settled and I just couldn't fall asleep. Friendship problems rang in my mind. And so I decided I'll stop keeping everything to myself and just pour everything out.

Didn't touched the comp at all today! Was k-ing my 1000 chem mcq book. Finished 300 questions! Finally back on track with my schedule! But bio... LOLOL. 200-300 questions behind time. Hahaha yeah. I don't say behind time in my previous posts for no reason. I'm reallyyyyy so behind my schedule. Must complete these two 1000 mcq books by Tuesday!! Oh and my TYS'es. Wanna redo them from 211 backwards. Much complete bio chem tys by this week! And then my dearest econs, shall touch it from Monday onwards. :)

Okay buy I admit half of my afternoon was spent on quality time with my phone. Hehehe. Finished innocent man episodes 17 &18. Such a tragedy. :( Kang Maru. The nicest guy that you can't find on earth. That's the actual translation from the Korean title. INFLUENCED MUMMY TO WATCH IT!! SHE SAID THE PLOT WAS GOOD WHILE I WAS WATCHING EPISODE 12. HAHAHAHAH. LIKE FINALLY MUMMY, achievement unlock for me and you. I finally got you to watch a drama that doesn't have your all time favourite stars like kim hyunjong, lee minho, jerry yan and ella chen. And mummy, you are finally not pressing the reply buttons for down with love, bof, playful kiss and personal taste. And out of all four, I only completed watching bof because I was young with lots of time during sec 1 while for the rest, I just can't bare to finish watching them cause it became too boring at the end(..?) Yeah. Goodie!

When glass breaks, the cracks move at a speed greater than three thousand miles per hour. All you had to do was to drop it on a hard floor, and it sets off this reaction that came so quickly that you couldn't take it back, even if you wanted to. Newton said that for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction — there are consequences for everything.

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